Co-working in RVA Just Got Easier
“For today’s activity, everyone has to make a stencil and add a drawing to the poster.” Assuming you’re not an elementary school teacher, it’s unlikely that this sentence has ever been spoken in your office. If your response is to cast an awkward glance at the 5-foot dynamo making the suggestion, you’ve clearly never been […]
Celebrating Food, Community and a Big Expansion
With Ellwood Thompson’s recent revamp, owner Rick Hood is introducing RVA to a broader selection of meats, wines, beers and groceries, as well as a coffee, tea, and juice bar and expanded indoor and outdoor seating. The new area also houses the bakery, currently located across the street from the main store, and a “Community […]
RACE – Are We So Different?
What are you? Who am I? What makes us different? And, does it really matter? The Science Museum of Virginia is inviting Richmonders to reflect on these enduring and vexing questions of racial identity.
Chris Crews is a music junkie. When not managing social media communities for Rocket Pop Media, Crews plays bass in the local band, Strummer. With a hankering for both music and emerging media, it didn’t take long for Crews to find Spotify, which he calls the “mix tape of our age.” Spotify, the largest and […]
It used to be a lot easier to eat in RVA. You saw food you liked, and simply dug in. Today we fiddle with our phones to “check-in” using location-based apps, tweet about the wait staff, and search for menu recommendations by friends. Now, thanks to Foodspotting, there’s yet another way to play with our […]
MPACT & SeeClickFix
Mayor Dwight Jones launched a program to engage city residents to cite neighborhood needs and to drive municipal action in response to those issues. The program is called MPACT (Mayor’s Participation Action Communication Team) and is ultimately designed to foster communication between government and residents to develop a shared vision for Richmond’s future. A cornerstone […]
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Chad Williams
Bio: I am owner of Creative Visual Design, web designer, adventure seeker, traveler, computer geek, music hound, rva restaurant regular and a VCU grad. Follow me!
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Lesley Bruno
Bio: I like Johnny Depp, planting things and rescuing cats.