Mayoral Candidates: Lawrence Williams
At Grid, we believe that everyone in Richmond has a superpower – a unique combination of personality traits and aptitudes that they bring effortless to everything they do. What’s your superpower and how will you share it with RVA? After 30 years of community planning and architecture, I can review proposals and offer professional critiques […]

Mayoral Candidates: Jon Baliles
At Grid, we believe that everyone in Richmond has a superpower – a unique combination of personality traits and aptitudes that they bring effortless to everything they do. What’s your superpower and how will you share it with RVA? I listen and don’t react impulsively. Therefore, I don’t decide on an important issue until I’ve […]

Mayoral Candidates: Jack Berry
At Grid, we believe that everyone in Richmond has a superpower – a unique combination of personality traits and aptitudes that they bring effortless to everything they do. What’s your superpower and how will you share it with RVA? Shibumi. This is a Japanese word that refers to an aesthetic that is simple, understated, elegant and […]

Mayoral Candidates: Bobby Junes
At Grid, we believe that everyone in Richmond has a superpower “ a unique combination of personality traits and aptitudes that they bring effortless to everything they do. What’s your superpower and how will you share it with RVA? Creativity is my superpower. To get behind a concept or stalled project and make proper […]

SoundView Project Taps into Street Energy
On a lively stretch of E. Broad sits a brand experience shop that boasts a bold name and even bolder ideas. Release the Hounds, which offers advertising and graphic design led by John Mills, is known for its street-level window display that has featured everything from art to pop-up shops over the years. This fall […]

Changing Places, Changing Lives
By Duron Chavis Nature teaches us many lessons. From soil to microbes to trees and worms, what appears to be random is in reality a rhythmic harmony. Organizations that realize this can create a path toward a sustainable future. Groundwork RVA is one of those organizations. Led by Giles Harnsberger, Groundwork RVA is a […]

Building Just, Inclusive, and Nonviolent Communities
Peace: This word is as utilitarian as any word could ever be. There are so many meanings. It’s a greeting or farewell with roots extending deep into the early days of hip-hop culture, a silent contemplation in the early morning light by urban yogis saluting the sun, or an unexpected feeling, such as when one […]

Mapping RVA: Excluded Communities
Whether you live in the Upper Fan or in East Henrico, you likely have much more in common with your neighbors than a zip code. The racial and socioeconomic divides within Greater Richmond find bold visual expression in Excluded Communities, a spatial analysis and exhibit launched by Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) to illustrate the […]

It’s All Relative
What makes a family? Who can define your family? The Valentine shares in the dialogue with this new exhibition, It’s All Relative: Richmond Families (1616–2016), which opened on October 13 in the Stettinius Community Galleries. It’s All Relative explores the changing definition and composition of families in the Richmond community from the 17th century to […]

Waking Up to Creativity
Doug Nunn believes that everyone is creative. But to live a creative life, it takes bravery, honesty, and a lot of hard work. Last year Nunn set out to find a way to foster an inclusive and creative community, which led to the launch of CreativeMornings RVA. Initially launched in 2008 in New York by […]