Friends: 142-Year-Old Gift to Richmond
Former slave Lucy Goode Brooks established the Friends’ Asylum for Colored Orphans in Jackson Ward in 1871 and the work she began continues to this day. With the help of her sewing circle and local religious groups, Brooks provided a home and hope to black children in Richmond who had been orphaned by slavery and […]

By the People. For the People.
A new project, where anyone can write their own stories and thoughts in books that have been repurposed for others to check out, has Richmonders digging out their library cards. Two 2013 VCU graduates have created The People’s Library, taking books headed for the recycling bin and removing pages and shredding the paper to make […]

A Better Way to Deliver
In 2014 Grid is moving forward by exploring better ways to deliver our publication. With a focus on sustainable transportation, we’ve partnered with a number of local businesses to help deliver a portion of our magazines in the coming months. BIORIDE Jeff and Joey Anderson, founders of bioRide, are known as the kind of Richmonders […]

Summit Avenue Rising
Summit Avenue’s coffee shop and its beer brewery alone, Mac Gambill half-jokes, cover two key pillars of his lifestyle these days. Lured to Scott’s Addition by its industrial-turned-mixed use properties and its hip, young professional vibe, the 27-year-old signed a lease at the Ambience Lofts in January. After graduating college in 2010, he moved to […]

A Sign of Change
When we think of painters, two people come to mind. There are those who climb ladders and lay drop cloth to put color on a wall in a home, office building, or some other commercial space. We also think of the artist who expresses himself through canvas and paint. But there are also those who […]

Moving the Region Forward
It’s one thing to set goals. It’s another thing to resolve to carry through on meaningful goals-ones that truly move us forward. Several weeks into 2014, many Richmonders are already breaking or revising the resolutions made for the year ahead. Grid magazine, however, tracked down a handful of Richmonders committed to moving the region forward […]

A Healthy Team: Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden And Nudge
The kinship between wellness and the great outdoors is providing fertile soil for a new local collaboration between Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden and app developers. Recently, the Garden began offering its members an innovative tool—the budding Nudge app—to nurture healthy lifestyle choices. Nudge provides an interactive environment where users can not only track and share […]

Connecting The Network: Greater Richmond Bicycle Coalition
It’s no secret that Richmond likes bikes. Today the region boasts a wide range of two-wheel enthusiasts—from avid cyclists and mountain bikers to those simply looking for a healthy and environmentally friendly alternative to driving a vehicle. But now a new movement is underway, one designed to connect and mash-up a grow- ing number of […]
80 Amps: Jump Starting New Businesses
By Ace Callwood Richmond is well-rounded. Within the city limits there are nationally ranked academic programs in arts and advertising, Fortune 500 companies, top-tier branding agencies, and a growing entrepreneurial ecosystem. That’s why it’s no surprise that the unique mash-up of creative and business in Richmond is exactly what prompted an impressive group of partners […]

CreateAthon: Collaborating For 24 Hours
“We should work around the clock once in a while,” said Cathy Monetti, during a late- summer night in the studio. “Then maybe we could get ahead.” “Yes, we should,” Teresa Coles agreed, with the look of a brainstorm on her face. “But we should do it for charity.” That exchange between Monetti and Coles […]