The Cheats Movement: Making Positive News
By Marc Cheatham At its core, the goal of The Cheats Movement Blog is to unify the Richmond community by celebrating its music, arts, culture, and diversity. It is an immense task, I know, but it is a mission that I believe can and will be accomplished. If not by me, then it will […]

Hamilton Glass: Making Walls Beautiful
By Kate Manegold Artist Hamilton Glass sees Greater Richmond a little differently than most. A crumbling brick wall is a pristine empty canvas. A hulking cement slab begs to be transformed into a delicate array of lines and color. A long-abandoned parking lot brims with future potential. He’s leading the charge to bring Greater […]

Making RVA
By Jim Johns RVA banners hang from lampposts. Stickers are on bikes, cars, and garbage trucks. “RVA” is etched on wine glasses and printed on cycling jerseys, t-shirts, and hoodies. And there are RVA logos recreated on tote bags and handcrafted signs. The sheer volume of RVA branded gear everywhere you look says it […]

Making a Place for Makers
By Max Heyworth It’s been said that people don’t come to Richmond for the restaurants. Notwithstanding the indignation of thousands of local foodies, this is true. The River City’s appeal to outside interests stems not from the fabulous and eclectic dining scene but from its fertile entrepreneurial landscape That’s right, one of RVA’s biggest […]

Making Community: A Beautiful Struggle
By Duron Chavis Defining community is easy. Building community is hard work. It can be a beautiful struggle. Greater Richmond is historical. Creative. And a river runs through it. As majestic as it is, however, there is still work to be done. And we’re doing it. On a recent Wednesday night, in the home […]

Make Something
By Noah Scalin One of the questions I get asked most frequently when I give talks about Skull-A-Day (www.SkullADay.com), the project in which I made a different piece of skull art every single day for a year is, “what happened when you ran out of ideas?” It’s an interesting question, since from an outside […]

Making a Community of Food Trucks
By Karen Atkinson “Look Mommy! It’s a food truck,” exclaimed a wide-eyed toddler at the South of the James Farmers Market last summer. I had to smile as I reflected on the fact that terms like “Farmers Markets” and “Art Walks” were the new buzz words when my, now seventeen year old, son was the […]

Live Bold
By Paul Spicer Instead of just writing about our favorite makers, we decided to become one. What better way to report on those making things in RVA than for Grid writers and publishers to roll up their sleeves and make something too. It’s time that we make good stuff – beer, coffee, ice cream, […]

Take A Minute Exercise: Make Stuff with Your Hands
By Ed Trask I turned the corner and there it was – a beautiful Camille Pissarro painting. I had never experienced anything quite like it. Layers and layers of paint blended roughly to capture the perfect essence of pure beauty and color. This was physical; I mean this in the sense that I could […]

Smile: Caught You Doing Something Good
By Rebecca D’Angelo The Art Deco Society of Virginia recently hosted its inaugural Jazz Age Preservation Ball, boasting an evening of music and dancing set to a Roaring ‘20s theme. Taking guests back to the days of Richmond’s famed Beaux Arts Ball, the event raised money for a local Jazz Age landmark, the Byrd Theatre. Built […]