Atlas Holiday Market

ART 180 is kicking off its 6th Annual Atlas Holiday Market opening reception on Friday, December 6 from 6-9 pm, followed by regular market hours from 10-5 Monday-Friday December 9-13. A portion of the proceeds from the market will benefit ART 180’s mission to give young people the chance to express themselves through art, and to share their stories with others.

The incredibly talented roster of artists in 2019 include:

Brianna Adey, Mehmet Sahin Altug, Eva Apgar, Kamala Bhagat, Priyah Bhagat, Patricia Bruce, Alexa Buchin, Jowarnise Caston, Gina Catlin, Heilbron Rushing-Cooper, Justice Elder, Julie Elkins, Tiffany Ferreira, Chevonne Gibbs, Taekia Glass, Hamilton Glass, Ruchi Gupta, Jenna Guthrie, Alexandra Gwynn, Steve Hedberg, Kristin Hott, Jaraz Jenkins, Aijung Kim, Vanna Lam, Taylor Logue, Haley McLaren, Austin Miles, Lanvi T. Nguyen, John Nikitakis, Maja Olsson, Heather Dee Robertson, Renée Stramel, Suzanne Vinson, Dean Whitbeck, Mica Whitney, Michael Willett, and more.

For more info, visit

Pictured Above: “Pasture on Route 5,” 10″ x 10″, acrylic on panel by Richmond artist Steve Hedberg, who is among the 30+ artists exhibiting at the Atlas Holiday Market.

CategoriesArtists, Live

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