Megan Wilson
Megan Wilson is the founder of the Sweet Sauce Blog, a platform designed to spark your fashion imagination, inspire you to try new recipes, travel to new places, and refine your daily routines.

No Strangers
Walk into Urban Hang Suite, a café and lounge on Broad Street, and you’ll quickly find that there’s no such thing as a stranger in RVA. Here you’ll only find,

Getting to the Finish Line: GRASP Shepherds Students Through Complicated Financials of College
James Madison University wasn’t Alex Herrera’s first choice in college. “The first time I went, I actually didn’t like it,” she says. “I went to visit other schools. I took

Old Concepts Meet New Media to Build Community
Building community is both easier and more difficult with the constant presence of social media in our lives. The power of tools like Facebook groups can build meaningful relationships between

The Ethical Style Collective
Rupah Singh opened the doors of her airstream in 2013. Named Love This, Singh’s mobile business retails accessories, clothing and household goods considered socially conscious, ethical and environmentally friendly. “For

Dress for Success Comes to the Southern Women’s Show
Before we head out to work each day, we all go through a similar series of motions. After breakfast, coffee, and social media check-ins comes the outfit. For some women,

Back to the Bay: Restoring Oyster Populations in Virginia
There are loads of amazing restaurants in Virginia, whether you find one of the best restaurants downtown Charlottesville has to offer or go to Richmond for some seafood, you’re guaranteed

Adventure is for Everyone
Heading down to the James River is a ritual for many Richmond residents. They use their eyes to follow the outlines of birds as they make irregular patterns across sky.