The Branch Museum, a Richmond based museum working to elevate awareness of the transformative power of architecture and design, is calling for submissions for the Virginia by Design awards. Virginia by Design recognizes the best efforts of designers and visionaries in Virginia who, by profession or avocation, have made creating, preserving, and enhancing design in Virginia a notable endeavor. The awards are designed to highlight excellence in design, visionary thinking, patronage and the transformative role of design in shaping the built environment. Deadline for submission is JANUARY 8th, 5 p.m. Design Achievement Award This award is for a corporation or institution for utilizing design as a strategic tool in their mission and consistently exhibiting ingenuity and insight in relating design to quality of life. Emerging Designer This award honors a designer, not yet licensed or professionally certified, who demonstrates an exemplary level of excellence in design execution and a dedication to advancing the discipline. Vision in Design Honor The honor recognizes a visionary thinker such as an educator, author, critic, curator, preservationist or designer who has had a profound impact or influence on design education, theory, practice, or public awareness. Prize for Public Interest Design The prize is for a creative project that has transformed its surroundings, whether a setting, neighborhood or community. It is for an individual or entity responsible for shepherding the project within Virginia. The Branch Medallion This award is given to acknowledge and celebrate extraordinary patronage of and/or support for the architecture and/or design community. The recipient is chosen by leadership of The Branch. Read about the Submission Requirements. |