Cheers to Creating Cohesion

Photo by Eric Jackson / Uncap Everything

Capsoul was founded last year by Richmonders Eric Jackson and Ty Murdaugh with the goal of energizing and diversifying local taprooms. This weekend, Capsoul is releasing a collaborative beer with Scott’s Addition based Väsen Brewing called Cohesion. This tasty collaboration was brought about after a conversation between Capsoul and Tony Giordano, head brewer of Vasen, on racial injustices in America.

Tony Giordano, head brewer of Vasen, and Eric Jackson, co-founder of Capsoul.

Cohesion was designed to show unity and a way to raise money to give back to the community. Local artist, Marlon Diggs, created the label for Cohesion highlighting the Richmond art community while showing how distorted, torn and broken pieces can come together to create something beautiful.

On Friday, there will be a pre-release party at Chilalayfrom 6 pm – 9 pm followed by an official release party at Väsen. The crew will round things out on Sunday with a VIP Tasting Event in Väsen private barrel room. The new release features African Queen and Southern Passion hops from South Africa, Azacca cryo hops as well as Norwegian Kveik yeast creating a hazy, citrusy and juicy NE-Style DIPA. Cohesion will be available in 4-packs at Väsen and other local retailers.

Pre-Release Party at Chilalay Cohesion Release Party VIP Tasting Event 

CategoriesDrink Local, General, Play

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