A special shoutout to the impressive trailblazers recognized by The Valentine in this year’s History Makers & Community Update. The Valentine and the Capital Region Collaborative (CRC) are celebrating the History Makers at Virginia Union University on March 12th. Each day we’re taking a moment to spotlight some of the 2019 honorees. Today we’re featuring Richmond Triangle Players.
Founded in 1993, Richmond Triangle Players is the longest continuously operating professional theater in the mid-Atlantic devoted to works, artists and themes relevant to the LGBTQ experience. This work has earned the company both local and national acclaim. Executive Director Philip Crosby has guided the company over the last decade, moving it from an itinerant company to the cultural anchor of the Scott’s Addition neighborhood.
Come out to celebrate Richmond Triangle Players, along with the other History Makers, on March 12th! For more info, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2019-richmond-history-makers-community-update-tickets-54711890738.