Relief Prints by The Timbered Wolf
Christopher Dean, founder of The Timbered Wolf, grew up in Richmond, where he gathered an appreciative knowledge of the time-old trees of the area — Hollywood Cemetery’s Sycamore’s, The James’ Bald Cypresses & Red Cedars, St. John’s Walnut trees, and many more. Through the years and over the course of many travel adventures, Christopher learned […]

Lyft Offering Discounted Rides to the Polls
In the 2016 election, it’s estimated that over 15 million people who were registered to vote didn’t show up on Election Day due to lack of transportation. This year, the ride-share app Lyft has partnered with Vote.org, Nonprofit Vote, TurboVote, Vote Latino, and others to provide voters with free or discounted rides to the polls […]

Trans Voting Rights in Virginia
Having an ID that doesn’t match your gender identity or presentation does not affect your right to cast a ballot. While gender discrepancies on your ID are not a valid reason to deny a regular ballot, knowing the laws and your rights can help avoid problems at the polls this Tuesday. Your photo ID is […]

Election Rights, Rules, and Regulations
When do I vote? Polling places are open from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. You have the right to vote if you are in line by 7 p.m. when the polls close. (Va. Code §24.2-603) Where do I vote? You can find your polling place online at www.elections.virginia.gov or look on your […]

A Beautifully Broken Virginia
John Plashal and Elisabeth Rigsby will host a fascinating storytelling program on Saturday at Caravati’s Architectural Salvage about many of Virginia’s forlorn and beautifully decaying places that have been frozen in time from decades ago. Plashal is a photographer, author and speaker based in Richmond. His photographic coffee table book, “A Beautifully Broken Virginia,” explores long abandoned […]

Justice Parade for Youth
Performing Statistics, a project by Art180 and Legal Aid Justice Center, will host the 4th annual Justice Parade for Youth on Saturday, November 3 to honor the voices of youth affected by the school-to-prison pipeline. The parade is designed to celebrate the incarcerated teens working with Richmond based artists, designers, and educators to change the policies that push […]

Lee Graves Publishes New Book: Virginia Beer
Richmond based beer writer Lee Graves says that the days of choosing between a handful of imports and a convenience store six-pack are long gone. In his new book, Virginia Beer: A Guide from Colonial Days to Craft’s Golden Age, Graves surveys the changing beer landscape in America as the nation experiences an explosion in […]

Tuskegee Airman Statue Unveiling
The Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia will serve as the new home of a life-size statue recognizing the contributions and accomplishments of the Tuskegee Airmen. The statue, commissioned by the Howard Baugh Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen, Inc., will be officially unveiled at The Black History Museum and Cultural Center on Saturday, November […]

A Conversation with Mike Mignola and VCUarts
On the eve of the release of a Hellboy movie reboot, Mike Mignola, a comic industry giant, will sit down with longtime friend, TyRuben Ellingson, chair and professor of the VCUarts Department of Communication Arts. The evening of unscripted conversation will take place on Monday, October 29 at theW.E. Singleton Center for the Performing Arts, 922 Park […]

UNTAMED Costumed Gala To Support ICA
Institute for Contemporary Art at VCU, a non-collecting space dedicated to exploring the art and issues of our time, is hosting UNTAMED, their largest fundraiser of the year, on Saturday, October 27. The UNTAMED fundraiser is a costumed/creative black tie event that is timed to coincide with the opening of two new exhibitions, Hedges, Edges, […]