It’s Friday afternoon in RVA. Inside the New Venture Richmond office a small crowd is gathering to discuss the upcoming TedxRVA in March. Taking their seats at a round table, I crack open a beer and begin.

The conversation is straightforward-what is community, why is community, when is community, and who is community?
At the table sits some of the area’s best entrepreneurs, innovators, artists, and non-profit leaders, all ready to share their definition of what binds us together. Welcome to the new RVA, a community that believes in integrating business success with social impact.
The questions and answers that ensue are part of an ongoing series for Grid magazine, titled “Doing Well by Doing Good.” In each issue we attempt to identify the ingredients for supporting a thriving entrepreneurial community. To do this, the components of the column are driven by what we call the five C’s: Community, Conversation, Creativity, Connections, and Commitment.
Starting with “community,” my guests for the afternoon eagerly probe and discover through rich conversation this topic while showcasing a vision for a new generation of leaders that live by a set of values that serves the mission of their organizations and the community at the same time.
Lisa Sims, Director of Events at Venture Richmond: Community is us-it is everywhere, it is always. Community feeds our souls, makes up our lives. Without it we are alone. As we nurture it, we grow as humans… it nurtures us as we nurture it. Aside from family, it’s everything.
Crystal Neal, Director of Creativity & Innovation at Greater Richmond Chamber: Humans are a collection of people with differing viewpoints and goals coexisting together. Community happens when we start talking to one another, sharing our ideas, and learning from one another.

Suzanne Hall, Chief Communications Officer at VMFA: The world is a big, deliciously complex place, and communities nurture us and enable us to grow and flourish in supportive environments.
Katie Benson, Senior Oncology Specialist at Onyx Pharmaceuticals: To weave a thread that binds the similar and mends the differences.
Ed Trask, Independent Arts Professional: When suffering the loss of life, the loss of direction, or the loss of an ideology. Community is the rebirth of faith, of love, of compassion via one’s peers, family, friends, loved ones, and even sometimes enemies.
Crystal Neal, Director of Creativity & Innovation at Greater Richmond Chamber: Community happens when the conversation begins!
Brad Dey, Principal at Second Order Solutions: This is what’s great about community: It doesn’t line up on demographics, psychographics, or whatever. It’s just people who are coming together for a common attribute and to make sure that their concerns are being represented and heard.
Katie Benson, Senior Oncology Specialist at Onyx Pharmaceuticals: Each and every one of us owns a piece and has a responsibility in community.